Prof. Stefan R. Schweinberger
Stefan R. Schweinberger is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Jena. He is interested in the cognitive, social, and brain processes that mediate human per-ception and communication. He also currently directs the DFG Research Unit Person Perception. Prof. Schweinberger builds contacts with national and international autism researchers, coordinates research, intervention and management, and connects SPA with local research facilities.
+49 (0)3641 945 181
stefan.schweinberger [at]
Prof. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius
Orlando Guntinas-Lichius is a Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Jena and Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and of the Institute of Phoniatry and Pedaudiology at the Jena University Hospital. He is interested in new diagnostic tools for otorhinolaryngology and phoniatrics. Second, multimodal integration of sensory functions in the field of otorhinolaryngology like hearing, balance function, olfaction and taste and especially in the role of disturbed multimodal integration in patients, is one of his main fields of research.
+49 (0)3641 935 127
orlando.guntinas [at]
Prof. Adrian P. Simpson
Adrian Simpson is a phonetician. He is professor of speech at the Institute of German Linguistics. His main areas of research are the acoustic, articulatory and perceptual correlates of gender and sexual orientation. Other research areas include the articulatory mechanisms involved in non-pulmonic sound production and the speech problems associated with Parkinson’s disease. He is editor of the Journal of the International Phonetic Association.
+49 (0)3641 944 330
Adrian.Simpson [at]
Prof. Dr. Hideki Kawahara
Professor, Auditory Media Laboratory
Design Information Sciences Department
Fuculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University
+81 (0)73 457 8461
Dr. Sara Neuhauser
Sara Neuhauser has a PhD in German Linguistics. In her thesis she worked on phonetic and linguistic aspects of accent imitation in a forensic context. Currently she is part of a project on Speech Therapy of Parkinson’s Disease by Interpreting Texts (STOP-IT Study).
+49 (0)3641 944 028
sara.neuhauser [at]
Dr. Beate Redecker
Beate Redecker is staff member of the Institute of German Linguistics in Jena and teaching classes in voice treatment, rhetorical communication and fundamentals of oral presentation & performance. In her PhD thesis she worked on prosodic features and how they impact on voice perception in commercials. Her current research focuses on speech therapy of Parkinson’s disease by interpreting texts (STOP-IT Study).
+49 (0)3641 944 337
beate.redecker (at)
Dr. Verena G. Skuk
Verena Skuk studied Media Systems (computer science) and completed her PhD in the field of cognitive neuroscience and psychology. Her work mainly focuses on the perception of the human voice as a carrier of social information in normal hearings and patients with cochlear implants. Using and further developing auditory morphing technologies she investigates the perception of non-linguistic speaker information such as identity, gender, emotions, and age, with a special focus on acoustical correlates and the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying the perception and integration of these cues.
verena.skuk [at]
Dr. Melanie Weirich
Melanie Weirich received her doctorate in Phonetics from the Department of German Language and Linguistics at the Humboldt University in Berlin, investigating acoustic and articulatory variability in twins’ speech. During a 3-year Post Doc in the Department of Speech Research at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, she worked on the variability of gender-specific fine phonetic detail. Currently, she holds a joint position at the Humboldt University and the Center for General Linguistics (ZAS) in Berlin and continues her research on speaker-specific variability and its physiological and/or behavioral sources. This includes biophysical differences in the vocal apparatus and learned differences due to social identity.
+49 (0)3641 944 333
melanie.weirich [at]
Dr. Romi Zäske
Romi Zäske investigates the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying human voice perception and memory as reflected in behaviour, EEG and fMRI. Using auditory adaptation she has studied the perception of non-linguistic speaker information such as identity, gender, and age. Her current project focusses on the neural correlates of voice learning and recognition.
+49 (0)3641 944 935
romi.zaeske [at]
Dipl. Ing. Tobias Schmidt
Tobias Schmidt is an audiologist at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Jena University hospital. He is interested in speech perception in patients with cochlear implants and middle ear mechanics.
Scientific activity: Optical methods in audiology, middle ear mechanics.
+49 (0)3641 935 434 [at]